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5x10 Issuer Series

5 key questions in 10 minutes. Hosted by our Debt Capital Markets team, we leverage our relationships with global issuers to chat through relevant topics on the economy, technology, risk management, climate change and other issues impacting capital markets worldwide.

Richard Kelly, Head of Global Strategy, TD Securities
Laura Quinn, Managing Director and Head of Primary Markets, TD Securities

Richard oversees the Global Strategy team, providing investment and strategic advice on G10 FX, rates, commodities, and emerging markets, as well as top-down global macro analysis, assessing the common trends in major economies and implications for markets.

With over 20 years of experience in capital markets, Laura is responsible for the origination and syndication of all fixed income products in multiple currency markets. She focuses on the development and growth of existing and new client relationships across supranational, agency, financial and corporate issuers.

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5x10 podcast title card

5x10 Issuer Series

5 key questions in 10 minutes. Hosted by our Debt Capital Markets team, we leverage our relationships with global issuers to chat through relevant topics on the economy, technology, risk management, climate change and other issues impacting capital markets worldwide.

Richard Kelly, Head of Global Strategy, TD Securities
Laura Quinn, Managing Director and Head of Primary Markets, TD Securities

Richard oversees the Global Strategy team, providing investment and strategic advice on G10 FX, rates, commodities, and emerging markets, as well as top-down global macro analysis, assessing the common trends in major economies and implications for markets.

With over 20 years of experience in capital markets, Laura is responsible for the origination and syndication of all fixed income products in multiple currency markets. She focuses on the development and growth of existing and new client relationships across supranational, agency, financial and corporate issuers.

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Recent Episodes

December 6, 2021

A conversation with Council of European Investment Bank

Rich and Christine are joined by CEB's Deputy CFO to discuss discuss the bank's Social Inclusion Bond framework, strategies to increase funding in social bond markets, and what the future of business may look like in a post-pandemic economy.

Guest: Arturo Seco Presencio, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Council of European Investment Bank

December 6, 2021

A conversation with Nordic Investment Bank

Rich and Laura are joined by NIB's Head of Funding and Interim Head of Treasury to explore funding opportunities in 2022, including ESG-focused bonds; the impact of SOFR rates and how high inflation will impact the markets going forward.

Guest: Jens Hellerup, Head of Funding and Interim Head of Treasury, Nordic Investment Bank

December 6, 2021

A conversation with European Investment Bank

Rich and Laura are joined by EIB's Head of Capital Markets to explore funding outlooks for global investors, growth opportunities for blockchain technologies, key takeaways from COP26 and discuss the pivotal role EU's largest financial institutions need to play in a post-pandemic economy.

Guest: Eila Kreivi, Head of Capital Markets, European Investment Bank

December 6, 2021

A conversation with European Stability Mechanism

Richard and Laura are joined by European Stability Mechanism's CFO to explore funding strategies for 2022, what supranaturals, sovereigns and agency issuers can expect from Green and Social Bond markets, and to discuss the biggest risks facing capital markets over a 12-month view.

Guest: Kalin Anev Janse, Chief Financial Officer, European Stability Mechanism

December 6, 2021

A conversation with KfW

Richard and Alex are joined by KfW's Head Treasurer to explore how different sectors are approaching a "post-pandemic" normal, and the key hurdles still left to resolve on the road to recovery. Tim explains how individuals, investors and organizations can navigate those hurdles as we enter 2022.

Guest: Tim Armbruster, Head Treasurer, KfW

June 23, 2021

A conversation with Agence France Locale

A relatively newer member in the group of local government funding agencies in Europe, Agence France Locale (AFL) is an active issuer in capital markets. As more European countries introduce post-pandemic reopening plans, AFL has plans of its own to leverage its balance sheet to help support local municipalities in France. Listen for more on how COVID-19 impacted AFL's ability to execute its borrowing program and provide new issuances to local authorities.

Guest: Thiébault Julin, Chief Financial Officer, Agence France Locale

June 16, 2021

A conversation with International Finance Corporation

The IFC is aiming to double its funding in ten years and increase issuances of social and sustainability bonds over the next three years. Listen for more on the full scale of IFC's plans to mobilize private capital to support businesses in emerging markets.

Guest: John Gandolfo, Treasurer, International Finance Corporation

June 9, 2021

A conversation with The World Bank

The World Bank mandate to support sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries is even more crucial in a post-pandemic world. Hear more about how The World Bank is using capital markets to maximize their balance sheets at The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), to provide resources and access to vaccines, to developing countries.

Guest: Jingdong Hua, Treasurer, The World Bank