
"TD Securities” is a trademark of The Toronto-Dominion Bank ("TD") and represents certain investment banking, capital markets and wholesale banking activities conducted through certain subsidiaries and branches of TD. “TD Cowen” is a division of TD Securities and represents a marketing name of certain businesses within TD Securities.

TD Securities Inc. is regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization of Canada. TD Securities Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and a member of Canadian Marketplaces.

TD, TD Bank Europe Limited and TD Execution Services Limited are regulated for investment business conducted in the UK by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. TD Global Finance unlimited company is regulated for investment business conducted in Ireland by the Central Bank of Ireland.

TD is registered as a swap dealer with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and is a member of the National Futures Association. TD is also registered as a security-based swap dealer with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Cowen Financial Products LLC is registered as a security-based swap dealer with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

TD and Toronto Dominion (South East Asia) Limited are regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

TD Securities (USA) LLC, TD Prime Services LLC, TD Securities Automated Trading LLC, TD Arranged Services LLC and Westminster Research Associates LLC are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and are members of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).


TD Securities means collectively TD Securities Inc., TD Securities (USA) LLC, TD Global Finance unlimited company, TD Bank Europe Limited, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, London Branch, TD Prime Services LLC, TD Securities Automated Trading LLC, Toronto Dominion (South East Asia) Limited and certain investments and corporate banking activities of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. References to we, our or us are references to TD Securities. By using or accessing this site, you accept and agree to be bound by and comply with these terms of use. If you do not accept these terms of use do not use or access this site. TD Securities reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change or update these terms of use at any time and you agree to be bound by such changes and updates. Your continued use or access of this site means that you agree to any changes or updates.

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To U.S. residents: if you wish to effect a transaction in any security discussed, please do so through a qualified salesperson of TD Securities (USA) LLC or The Toronto-Dominion Bank, as required by statute. TD Securities (USA) LLC accepts responsibility for the contents of any TD Securities Inc. research reports appearing in this site.

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Goldman Sachs Methodologies

The methodologies and applied algorithmic processes as described herein are patent pending to Goldman, Sachs & Co. TD Securities Inc. is not an affiliate of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

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The Toronto-Dominion Bank USA Patriot Act Certification

Pursuant to Section 313 of the USA PATRIOT Act and final rules issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, a "Covered Financial Institution" (i.e. a U.S. bank or a U.S. broker-dealer in securities) is required to obtain certain information from a Foreign Bank for which it maintains a correspondent account in the United States. This information must be issued in the form of a Patriot Act Certification (also referred to as a Global Certification) which meets the minimum requirements set forth by Section 313.

As permitted by the final rules, instead of preparing individual certificates for each Covered Financial Institution which maintains a correspondent account for The Toronto-Dominion Bank, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, on its own behalf and on behalf of its relevant non-U.S. based branches and subsidiaries, has executed a global certification applicable to all correspondent accounts maintained for it by Covered Financial Institutions. Please access this certification directly from TD Bank website (see link below) instead of requesting from The Toronto-Dominion Bank an individual certificate pertaining to your Covered Financial Institution.

The Toronto-Dominion Bank Certification Regarding Correspondent Accounts for Foreign Banks (USA Patriot Act Certification)

TD's AML Statement

TD's AML Questionnaire - Wolfsberg Group Financial Crime Compliance Questionnaire (FCCQ)

TD's Annual Information Form

Notice Regarding TD Securities' Customer Identification Program

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires TD Securities (USA) LLC ("TD Securities USA") to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. When you an open an account, we will ask for your name, address, tax identification number, date of birth (as applicable) and other information, including certain identifying documents, that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to seek to obtain or verify certain information about you from third parties. Any failure to fully comply with, or consent to, such requirements may lead to failure to establish, or the termination of, an account or service relationship.

Notice Regarding the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (“UIGEA”) and the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation GG prohibit any person engaged in the business of betting or wagering from knowingly accepting payments in connection with the participation of another person in unlawful Internet gambling. The term “unlawful internet gambling,” as used in this Notice, shall have the meaning set forth in 12 C.F.R. Section 233.2(bb). Transactions prohibited by UIGEA (“restricted transactions”) generally include, but are not limited to, those transactions or transmittals in which credit, electronic fund transfers, checks, drafts or wire payments are accepted by gambling businesses in connection with the participation of others in Internet gambling. Restricted transactions are prohibited from being processed in or through your account or relationship with TD Securities USA. TD Securities USA reserves the right to stop payment and/or to suspend or terminate your account or relationship if you attempt to process restricted transactions in or through your account or relationship, or if TD Securities USA has reason to believe such activity is occurring.

Notice Regarding Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act

Pursuant to U.S. regulations issued under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act, 31 C.F.R. Chapter X, Part 1010.651 through and including Part 1010.670, TD Securities USA is prohibited from establishing, maintaining, administering or managing an account for, or on behalf of any prohibited financial institutions as determined by FinCEN. In addition, TD Securities USA will not conduct business with any financial institutions for which FinCEN has issued proposed rules with respect to including such entities on the prohibited financial institutions list.

The Section 311 Special Measures regulations also require that TD Securities USA notify you that your correspondent account with our financial institution may not be used to provide access or services to any of the jurisdictions or financial institutions, their branches, offices, or subsidiaries in any jurisdiction, listed below. If we become aware that any of the jurisdictions or financial institutions, their branches, offices, or subsidiaries in any jurisdiction listed below is directly or indirectly using the correspondent account you hold at our financial institution, we will be required to take appropriate steps to prevent such access, including, where necessary, terminating your account.

The most recent listing of prohibited financial institutions promulgated by FinCEN, as of August 10, 2020, is as follows:

  • Commercial Bank of Syria (including its subsidiary Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank)
  • Any Burmese banking institution (except to the extent permitted by 31 C.F.R. 1010.651(b)(3))
  • FBME Bank Ltd. (formerly known as Federal Bank of the Middle East, Ltd.)
  • Any bank or financial institution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Bank of Dandong
  • Any bank or financial institution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

There are proposed rules pending that seek to include the following financial institutions on the above referenced list of prohibited financial institutions promulgated by FinCEN:

  • Halawi Exchange Co.
  • Kassem Rmeiti & Co. For Exchange (including Rmaiti Group SAL and Societe Rmail SARL (STE Rmeiti))
  • ABLV Bank, AS

TD Securities USA may, from time to time, update this notice to include jurisdictions or entities that are added to this list as new restrictions are proposed or issued. Current listings of entities subject to final or proposed rules under Section 311 can be found on the FinCEN website.

Business Continuity Plan Disclosure (FINRA Rule 4370)

TD Securities USA is required to disclose to its customers how it plans to address the possibility of a significant business disruption and how TD Securities USA plans to respond.

Business Continuity Plan Disclosure - (FINRA Rule 4370)

Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) G-10 Notification

TD Securities USA is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board.

An Investor brochure is available and is posted on the website of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board at The brochure describes the protections that may be provided by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board rules and how to file a complaint with an appropriate regulatory authority.

Statement on Routing of Customer Orders & Payment for Order Flow (SEC Rule 606 & 607)

TD Securities USA is required to make publicly available, on a quarterly basis, a report of its routing of U.S. equity and option orders.

Quarterly Reporting of Routing of U.S. Equity and Options orders – 606(a)(1)

Payment for Order Flow and Order Routing Policies Annual Disclosure

TD Securities USA is a customer of National Financial Services LLC ("NFS") where NFS provides certain clearing services. However, TD Securities USA does not route orders through National Financial Services LLC. TD Securities USA may receive remuneration for directing orders to a particular broker or dealer and may route orders to market centers, including national securities exchanges, alternative trading systems, electronic communications networks, and broker-dealers that may offer credits for certain types of orders, while assessing fees for other types of orders. In some cases, the credits offered by a market center may exceed the charges assessed, such that a market center may make a payment to TD Securities USA in relation to orders directed to such market center. Such remuneration, if any, is considered compensation to TD Securities USA. Further details of these payments and fees are available upon written request. TD Securities USA's routing decisions are based on a number of factors, including but not limited to, price, liquidity, venue reliability, cost of execution, likelihood of execution and potential for price improvement.

Institutional Order Handling

Institutional Order Handling – TD Securities (USA) LLC

ETF Rules of Engagement

ADR Direct and Reverse ADRs Terms and Conditions

408(b)2 ERISA Disclosure

TD Global Finance unlimited company ("TDGF") is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and authorised as an Investment Firm under Regulation 8 (3) and deemed authorised under Regulation 5 (2) of the Statutory Instrument No. 375/2017 European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017. TDGF, trading as TD Securities, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

The Central Bank of Ireland requires that certain policies are made available to clients of regulated firms. In accordance with these requirements, see below the relevant policies in relation to TDGF:

Terms of Business (Complaints)

Cash Equities Execution and Clearing Module: TDGF

Summary of the Conflicts of Interest Policy

Summary of the Best Execution Policy

New Issue Allocation Policy

Systematic Internaliser Commercial Policy

Investment Recommendations

Article 20 of the European Union’s Market Abuse Regulation ("MAR") requires market participants who produce or disseminate investment recommendations or other information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy to take reasonable care that such information is objectively presented, and to disclose their interests or indicate conflicts of interest. In accordance with these requirements, see below for relevant information in relation to TDGF:

Disclaimer Information

Disclaimer for Institutional and Commercial Information

TD Securities Equity Research Portal

2024 Q3 Investment Recommendations Information

2024 Q2 Investment Recommendations Information

2024 Q1 Investment Recommendations Information

2023 Q4 Investment Recommendations Information

Remuneration Disclosures

The Capital Requirements Directive ("CRD") of the European Union establishes a revised regulatory capital framework across Europe governing the amount and nature of capital credit that institutions and investment firms must maintain. In order to ensure adequate transparency of their remuneration structures and the associated risk, Pillar 3 of the CRD requires that institutions disclose general information about the basic characteristics of their remuneration policies and practices and disclose aggregate amounts for staff whose professional activities have a material impact on the institution’s risk profile. In accordance with this requirement, see below for relevant information in relation to TDGF:


In accordance with Chapter 2, regulation 84 of S.I. No.158/2014 - European Union (Capital Requirements) Regulations (2014) (the CRR), TDGF is required to publicly disclose how it complies with the requirements of regulations 76 to 83 of the CRR. As such, the documents on this Legal page, including the below governance documents, fulfil this requirement.

EMIR Exemption Disclosures

TDGF & TDSEA EMIR BM IGT Exemption Disclosure March 2022

Intragroup Transactions Exemption Disclosure under Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 ("EMIR")

Gender Pay Gap Report

The Gender Pay Gap Information Act was signed into Irish law in 2021. From 2024, the legislation requires companies with more than 150 employees in Ireland to publicly disclose on an annual basis, comparative information about compensation for women and men.

In accordance with this requirement, click on a link below to view TD Global Finance Unlimited Company's Gender Pay Gap Report for 2024. For information about TD's commitment to an inclusive and diverse workplace, click here for the TD Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

Gender Pay Gap Report Ireland – 2024

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU ("MiFID II") and the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") requires that certain policy disclosures are made available to clients of UK-Regulated Firms. In accordance with these MiFID II and FCA requirements, see below the relevant policies in relation to The Toronto-Dominion Bank – London Branch and, TD Bank Europe Limited:

Terms of Business

Cash Equities Execution and Clearing Module: TDGF

Summary of the Conflicts of Interest Policy

Summary of the Best Execution Policy

New Issue Allocation Policy

Systematic Internaliser Commercial Policy

Best Execution Reports (RTS 27 and 28)

Market Abuse – Detection and Prevention Statement

Investment Recommendations

Article 20 Market Abuse Regulation 595/2014 ("MAR") requires market participants who produce or disseminate Investment Recommendations or other information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy to take reasonable care that such information is objectively presented, and to disclose their interests or indicate conflicts of interest. In accordance with the MAR requirements, see below for relevant information in relation to The Toronto-Dominion Bank – London Branch, TD Bank Europe Limited and London Branch and, TD Bank Europe Limited:

Disclaimer Information

Disclaimer for Institutional and Commercial Information

TD Securities Equity Research Portal

2024 Q3 Investment Recommendations Information

2024 Q2 Investment Recommendations Information

2024 Q1 Investment Recommendations Information

2023 Q4 Investment Recommendations Information

Remuneration Disclosures

In the United Kingdom, the Remuneration Disclosure has been prepared in alignment with the requirements outlined in the Capital Requirements Directive (“CRD IV”), the Capital Requirements Regulation (“CRR”), the European Banking Authority (“EBA”) Guidelines on Sound Remuneration Policies, the Financial Conduct Authority’s (“FCA”) Dual-Regulated Firms Remuneration Code, the Prudential Regulation Authority (“PRA”) Rulebook (Remuneration Part) and Supervisory Statements.

Remuneration has been structured to align with regulatory requirements. The relevant year of the Remuneration Disclosure Report contains information on the way in which risk is considered in remuneration decisions, the design and structure of remuneration for Material Risk Takers and the involvement of the Remuneration Committee in remuneration decisions.

TD Securities London UK

Remuneration Disclosure – 2024

Remuneration Disclosure – 2023

Remuneration Disclosure – 2022

Remuneration Disclosure – 2021

Remuneration Disclosure – 2020

Remuneration Disclosure – 2019

Remuneration Disclosure – 2018

Remuneration Disclosure – 2017

Remuneration Disclosure – 2016

TD Securities Limited

Remuneration Disclosure – 2015

Remuneration Disclosure – 2014

Remuneration Disclosure – 2013

TD Bank Europe Limited

Remuneration Disclosure – 2015

Remuneration Disclosure – 2014

Remuneration Disclosure – 2013


In accordance with Directive 2013/36/EU - Capital Requirements Directive (2013) (the CRD), TD Bank Europe Limited ("TDBEL") is required to publicly disclose how it complies with the requirements of regulations 88 to 95 of the CRD. As such, the documents on this Legal page, including the below governance documents, fulfil this requirement.

Gender Pay Gap Report

The United Kingdom enacted Gender Pay Gap legislation in 2017 that requires companies with 250 or more employees in England, Scotland and Wales to publicly disclose on an annual basis comparative information about compensation for women and men.

In accordance with this requirement, click on a link below to view TD's UK Gender Pay Gap Report for that year. For information about TD's commitment to an inclusive and diverse workplace, click here for the TD Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2021

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2020

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2018

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2017

Pillar 3 Disclosures

Basel III is a global regulatory standard on bank capital adequacy, stress testing and market liquidity risk. It is intended to strengthen global capital and liquidity rules with the goal of improving the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress.

The EU implemented the Basel III framework through the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation (CRD IV package). These requirements are further implemented in the UK through the Prudential Regulation Authority’s Rulebook and Supervisory Statements.

Pillar 3 of the Basel III capital adequacy framework sets out public disclosure requirements intended to enhance market discipline.

TD Bank Europe Limited Pillar 3 Disclosure

Pillar 3 Disclosure - 2023

Pillar 3 Disclosure - 2022

Pillar 3 Disclosure - 2021

In prior years, TD Bank Europe Limited disclosures were included within the Toronto-Dominion Investments B.V. Pillar 3 disclosure report and completed at the UK consolidation level. The Toronto-Dominion Investments B.V. Pillar 3 report is filed with the respective financial statements. TD Bank Europe Limited is now the sole regulated entity of TD Securities in the UK, thus the Pillar 3 report is now prepared at the solo level.

CESL MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures

CESL is individually regulated as an investment firm by the FCA. Its equivalent disclosure requirements are set out in Chapter 8 of the MIFIDPRU Prudential sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms.

2022 MIFIDPRU Remuneration Disclosures

2022 MIFIDPRU Disclosure

2023 MIFIDPRU Remuneration Disclosures

2023 MIFIDPRU Disclosure

TD Execution Services Limited

Terms of Business

Order Execution Policy

Conflicts of Interest, Market Abuse and Related Matters

Country Specific Disclosures and Provisions

Information About Securities and Associated Risks

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Financial Year 2023

Notice Regarding Change of Name

Hong Kong

The Toronto-Dominion Bank - Hong Kong Branch


TDSJ Disclosure Document/トロント・ドミニオン日本証券 ディスクロージャー誌

TD Article 46-4 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan requires that certain statements are made available to the public by securities companies. In accordance with this requirement, click on the link below to view the disclosure document for TD Securities (Japan) Co., Ltd. ("TDSJ") (available in Japanese only):


TDSJ Disclosure Document (トロント・ドミニオン日本証券 ディスクロージャー誌)

Explanation Regarding Unregistered Credit Ratings/ 無登録格付に関する説明書

If any credit ratings are contained in the material or any attachments provided from us, those that have been issued by Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) or Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) are credit ratings that have been issued by a credit rating agency registered in Japan (registered credit ratings). Other credit ratings are unregistered unless denoted as being registered. Before using unregistered credit ratings to make investment decisions, please carefully read “Explanation Regarding Unregistered Credit Ratings. The contents of the above-mentioned document are available on the attached link below.


Explanation of Unregistered Credit Ratings (無登録格付けに関する説明書)


Summary of the Best Execution Policy

TD Bank Group ("TD"), including all branches and subsidiaries is committed to complying with all laws and regulations governing its operations in jurisdictions where it does business. These include economic and trade sanctions, imposed against individuals and entities and countries/regions, administered by competent authorities, namely Global Affairs, Canada; the U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"); EU Council (and national authorities in applicable EU member states) and other sanctions setting bodies in countries where TD operates.

Sanctions prohibit or restrict TD from engaging in activities involving sanctioned individuals and entities (commonly referred to as designated persons or specially designated nationals) and sanctioned countries and regions. Depending on the nature of the sanctions and internal policy, TD may be required to take action including but not limited to, rejecting/declining to process transactions and/or restricting access to certain products and services. In some cases TD may be required by law to freeze assets if they are owned, controlled by, or for the benefit of a sanctioned individual and entity.

TD takes reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure its products and services are not used to violate or circumvent applicable economic and trade sanctions and expects its customers to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and not knowingly contravene sanctions through their activities with TD, or through TD products or services. Should TD become aware that products or services have been, or are being, used to conduct or facilitate any prohibited or unlicensed activity, we will take steps to prevent such activity, including termination of a customer relationship.

This podcast and/or clip should not be copied, distributed, published or reproduced, in whole or in part. The information contained in this recording was obtained from publicly available sources, has not been independently verified by TD Securities, may not be current, and TD Securities has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. All price references and market forecasts are as of the date of recording. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are not necessarily those of TD Securities and may differ from the views and opinions of other departments or divisions of TD Securities and its affiliates. TD Securities is not providing any financial, economic, legal, accounting, or tax advice or recommendations in this podcast. The information contained in this podcast does not constitute investment advice or an offer to buy or sell securities or any other product and should not be relied upon to evaluate any potential transaction. Neither TD Securities nor any of its affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in this podcast and any liability therefore (including in respect of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) is expressly disclaimed.

This material is a product of the TD Cowen Research Department.

To the extent this podcast discusses any companies which TD Cowen currently maintains research coverage on, important disclosures can be obtained by contacting:

Research Department
TD Securities (USA) LLC
1 Vanderbilt Avenue 22nd Floor
New York, NY, 10017, USA

Research Department
TD Securities Inc.
66 Wellington Street West Toronto
Ontario M5K 1A2, Canada

In addition, the same important disclosures, with the exception of the valuation method and risks, are available on the Firm’s disclosure website at:

All published research can be obtained on the Firm’s client website: TD Portal.

Speakers identified as part of TD Cowen Washington Research Group are not Research Analysts, and their comments should not be considered an investment recommendation regarding securities of any company. Speakers who are not identified as members of TD Cowen are expressing their own opinion, and their statements should not be construed as reflecting the views of TD Cowen. Third party speakers are not subject to FINRA regulation regarding conflicts and disclosure and the viewer should be aware that they may have a financial interest in or other conflicts of interest with any companies discussed. Statements made by third party speakers are not intended as investment opinions or advice. This podcast is produced solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a security in any state where such offer or solicitation would be illegal. Other than disclosures relating to TD Securities (USA) LLC, the information herein is based on sources we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data. Any opinions expressed herein are statements of our judgment on this date and are subject to change without notice. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. Receipt and/or review of this presentation constitutes your agreement not to reproduce, display, modify, distribute, transmit, or disclose to others outside your organization the contents, opinions, conclusion, or information contained in this podcast.

TD Cowen research is produced in the U.S. by TD Securities (USA) LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TD Securities (USA) LLC is a U.S. broker dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. TD Cowen research is produced in Canada by TD Securities Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TD Securities Inc. is regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization of Canada, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and a member of Canadian Marketplaces. ® The TD Logo and other trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.