TD Securities and N2S help drive the circular economy

April 22, 2022 - 2 Minutes

How can investment firms contribute to a circular economy? We explore a new venture with N2S to support a more sustainable future.

Workers holding motherboards and electronic waste to be reused
TD Securities continues to seek out opportunities to expand its ESG mandate, reduce its carbon footprint, and carve out a path to a more sustainable future.

Over the past year, our Technology team in Europe has led TD on the path towards the circular economy by partnering with N2S, a leading technology lifecycle management company in the U.K. This partnership represents one of the many ways we embed ESG into our business practices.

The circular economy, explained

As industries produce goods at incredible speeds, they continually scrap old resources for new ones. This produces nearly 50 million tons of e-waste across the globe each year. In a circular economy, all forms of waste are given as many uses as a lifecycle will allow. In the N2S model, entire technology frameworks of businesses, from hard drives to microchips, are recovered, reused, recycled, refined, and reported.

N2S has an end-to-end circular solution for legacy IT equipment. The organization prioritizes reusing devices and components, so once all data is destroyed, the maximum material possible is recovered from recycled equipment. Instead of entering landfills or oceans, metals like aluminium, copper, steel, and gold re-enter the manufacturing stream.

"We are delighted to work with clients who truly care about where their technology ends up," says Steve Morris, Managing Director, N2S. "Our commitment to ESG means helping others make informed decisions that reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions. We look forward to continuing our work with TD Securities and reporting strong results through our innovative, science-based methodologies."

The power of positive impact

Across three collections, we have recycled 933 electronic assets, including desktops, laptops, and servers, from our U.K. offices. This adds up to nearly 7 tons of equipment, the weight of a double-decker bus. This has prevented 261 tons of carbon dioxide from reaching the air, the equivalent of taking 120 cars off the road for one year. It has also conserved 522, 209 litres of water, the daily drinking water for 3% of the population of London, England.

Aside from the clear benefits for the environment, this initiative is helping our firm secure more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Clean Water and Sanitation.

"We consistently evolve the way we carry out business across our footprint," says Lucy Izzard, Chief Operating Officer, Europe, TD Securities. "Thanks to innovative technology, strategic partnerships, and an unwavering commitment to the environment, we have the means to help change the outlook for our planet."

As ESG grows and demands more, the TD Securities and N2S partnership is making important strides towards a better, brighter future for all.

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Headshot of Lucy Izzard

Chief Operating Officer, Europe, TD Securities

Headshot of Lucy Izzard

Chief Operating Officer, Europe, TD Securities

Headshot of Lucy Izzard

Chief Operating Officer, Europe, TD Securities

Lucy is responsible for all operational functions performed in the region and services leveraged from core centres supporting the European franchise. Lucy drives active partnering between Sales & Trading and other lines of business to promote growth, support new initiatives and deliver operational excellence. She is highly committed and client-oriented with a strong track record of building, managing, and motivating local and global teams across diverse businesses and product areas.