TD Securities Mining Conference 2023 Key Takeaways

February 13, 2023 - 3 minutes 30 seconds
Aerial view of an industrial mining field

TD Securities was delighted to host our 14th annual Mining Conference in person again for the first time since 2020. We were gratified to see the level of support and enthusiasm for the conference from our corporate and institutional investing clients. There is a renewed interest in the Mining sector as industrial metals and other critical minerals are key to making the Energy Transition a reality and supporting economic growth generally. On behalf of Greg Barnes and the entire TD Mining team, a big thank you to all the participants for another successful TD Mining Conference.

Michael Faralla
Managing Director and Head of Global Mining, Investment Banking, TD Securities

This year's conference in Toronto was well attended despite a snowstorm mid-way through the three-day event. Overall attendance was slightly higher than our last pre-COVID-19 live mining conference held in January 2020. Several themes emerged from the event, including:

  • Investors are getting increasingly bullish on the outlook for copper prices over the medium term, notwithstanding the sharply higher prices we have already seen year-to-date. A supply side that is expected to struggle to meet rising demand from the drive to a low-carbon economy underpins the bullish outlook for the copper price.
  • After a few years in the wilderness, the gold sector is getting more investor attention as a weaker U.S. dollar, strong central bank buying, a potential Federal Reserve pivot on interest rates in 2023/2024 and peaking real rates combine for a much more constructive outlook for the gold price. Attendance at all the fireside chat sessions with gold producers was higher than we expected, and with operating/capital cost pressures peaking, we believe that investors are again looking for leverage to higher bullion prices.
  • Cost inflation pressures may have peaked, but do not expect operating costs to decline in y/y in 2023. Moderating energy prices, improving supply chain logistics and lower reagent/input costs are contributing to lower cost pressures. However, management teams remain cautious on the trajectory for costs in 2023 with most suggesting that operating costs are likely to remain in line with 2022 levels before potentially moderating in 2024.
  • The outlook for uranium prices and the nuclear sector in general is the best it has been in more than 15 years. But rather than calling it the Nuclear Renaissance, we prefer to call it a Nuclear Reawakening. Governments around the world and across the political spectrum are waking up to the fact that nuclear power will play a central role in a low-carbon, stable electrical grid and are reviewing and updating nuclear power policies to support the nuclear power sector. We heard from Canadian uranium company that expects term contracting volume in 2023 to match that of 2022. With volumes in the spot market increasingly limited and security of supply top-of-mind, utilities are turning to the term market to meet growing unfilled requirements.
  • Streaming/royalty companies continue to see a very active market for mid-sized transactions mostly driven by midsized gold development projects. However, bigger deals could be on the horizon as the next generation of large copper mines need to be built and stream funding is increasingly recognized as a ready source of capital.
  • The Canadian federal government is getting serious about supporting the development of critical minerals. The 2022 federal budget committed C$3.8 billion over eight-years to implement the government's Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy introduced in December 2021 by the Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson. Among the initiatives, strategy will focus on: (1) accelerating project development and (2) building sustainable infrastructure. The Federal Ministry of Natural Resources is developing a "concierge service" to help companies navigate the federal/provincial permitting process, hoping to meet the objective of a "one project, one assessment" review process.

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Portrait of Michael Faralla

Managing Director and Head of Global Mining, Investment Banking, TD Securities

Portrait of Michael Faralla

Managing Director and Head of Global Mining, Investment Banking, TD Securities

Portrait of Michael Faralla

Managing Director and Head of Global Mining, Investment Banking, TD Securities

Michael has over 25 years of experience in the investment banking business. He started his career as a metallurgist in the gold division of Anglo American Corporation (now AngloGold Ashanti) and later worked as a consultant with McKinsey & Co., consulting to the resources sector globally. Michael has advised on marquee transactions for Agnico Eagle, Barrick, BHP Billiton, Cameco, Cobalt 27, Equinox, Hudbay, IAMGold, Kinross and Turquoise Hill. Prior to assuming his current role, Michael led equity capital markets origination in the mining and oil and gas sectors with TD Securities.

Portrait of Gregory Barnes

Managing Director and Head of Mining Equity Research, TD Securities

Portrait of Gregory Barnes

Managing Director and Head of Mining Equity Research, TD Securities

Portrait of Gregory Barnes

Managing Director and Head of Mining Equity Research, TD Securities

Greg joined TD Securities in December 2005 as the firm's base metals analyst. He currently covers the Canadian large capitalization base metal, gold and fertilizer mining companies and has been an equity analyst for 21 years. Prior to joining TD Securities, Greg worked as a mining analyst for several Canadian independent brokerage firms.

Portrait of Craig Hutchison

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Craig Hutchison

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Craig Hutchison

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Craig Hutchison joined TD Securities in 2008, and covers the junior base metal producers and development companies. Prior to joining TD Securities, Craig worked as an associate with a Canadian bank-owned investment dealer in Toronto. Before entering the securities business, Craig was employed as an engineer for eight years with a WSP Global (formerly GENIVAR) focused on project management.

Portrait of Steve Green

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Steve Green

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Steve Green

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Steve is a senior mining analyst at TD Securities Inc. focusing on gold and precious metals producers. Steve has been with TD Securities Inc. since 2003 and prior to that worked at an independent Canadian dealer covering the Base Metals and Precious Metals sectors. In 2012, he was ranked as the #1 Precious Metals (Small/Mid-Cap) Analyst in Canada and remains a top-three ranked analyst in that sector. Prior to entering the securities business, Steve spent three years as a Geological Engineer with Fugro Airborne Surveys, conducting airborne geophysical surveys for various mining companies throughout the world. During this time, he had the opportunity to gain international experience in countries such as Sweden, Romania, Mongolia, Peru, Brazil, Honduras, and Nicaragua, as well in Canada and the U.S. Steve received his MBA from the Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto), holds a BASc (Geological Engineering) from the University of Waterloo, and is a CFA Charterholder.

Portrait of Arun Lamba

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Arun Lamba

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Portrait of Arun Lamba

Mining Equity Research Analyst, TD Securities

Arun Lamba joined TD Securities in 2014 and covers junior/intermediate precious metals producers and developers and base metal explorers. Prior to joining TD Securities, he worked at TD Waterhouse where he was executing equity, bond and derivative trades. Arun received his MBA from the Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto), holds a BASc (Electrical Engineering) and Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from Queen's University and is a CFA Charterholder.