Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership spotlight series: Meet Shiqing Teo

March 15, 2021 - 1 minute
Photo de Shiqing Teo

Our Women in Leadership Spotlight series shines a light on some of the many talented women who work on our team and are committed to developing and empowering their female colleagues.

Shiqing Teo, Director, International Credit Trading, balances critical thinking and Client engagement to effectively develop a profitable Credit Trading franchise throughout Asia-Pacific.

Shiqing Teo
Director, International Credit Trading

Known for being a Client-focused risk-taker, mentor and leader, Shiqing is hugely respected within the International Credit Trading franchise. Based in Singapore, Shiqing has been instrumental in expanding the Credit Trading franchise in the region, exponentially increasing the number of Clients we do business with and our involvement in Asia-Pacific-centric products. She believes in building lasting relationships with Clients and the importance of empathy in a role where people often only see numbers.

What I do:

I am a market maker for Corporate bonds denominated in AUD; I quote a price to buy or sell a bond when Clients enquire. I also identify value in markets and help guide Clients based on their requirements.

Proud moment:

I never stop challenging myself. With more than 10 years of credit trading experience, I have moved across different focuses – and countries – so there is always a challenge and something new to learn. Not only did I have to pick up the quirks of a different market and products, but also earn the buy-in of new teams of people as being a successful liaison across different teams is essential in building a franchise.

Outside of work, I embrace trying different activities. Nothing is more empowering than trying something you never imagined yourself doing and enjoying it.

Advice to my younger self:

Believe in yourself and dare to be different, as there is no 'one road' to success. I used to doubt my capabilities and felt I was never doing well enough. Over the years, I learned to leverage my strengths to do well in my role rather than fixate on what others are doing.
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